channelThe ChannelType of the channel this message belongs to.
channelThe channel URL of the channel this message belongs to.
The creation time of the message in milliseconds.
The custom type of the message.
The custom type of the message.
The template for the message.
extendedThe datas for the message.
The mentioned user ids of the message.
The mentioned users of the message.
The mention type. Refer to MentionType.
The message status of the notification message. This message status will be changed only if the channel is a FeedChannel.
Gets an array of meta arrays sorted by chronological order.
Notification data.
notificationThe ID of the notification message.
Notification priority. This value can be set when the notification message is sent and default value is NotificationPriority.NORMAL.
The updated time of the message in milliseconds.
Returns MessageMetaArray list which is filtered by given metaArrayKeys.
Whether this message is AdminMessage.
Whether this message is FileMessage.
Whether this message is MultipleFilesMessage.
Whether this message is UserMessage.
Serializes a UserMessage, FileMessage or AdminMessage instance. The instance can be restored by MessageModule.buildMessageFromSerializedData.
Object representing a notification message.